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Week 5


  • ⭐ Reading how to create angular packages, setting up a library project, implementing reusable code, building the library, configuring its package details and also publishing it to npm.
  • 🔍 Analyzing the form structure and Form API in Sunbird Ed encompasses evaluating the organization of form components, fields, and layout within the platform, while also studying the programming interface (API) provided by Sunbird Ed for interacting with and managing forms.
  • 🍪 Designing the architecture of the Forms API data for filtering and card field selection in Sunbird Ed entails structuring the data schema and logic required for efficiently handling filtering options and selecting card fields within the platform.

Screenshots / Videos

Filtering Form Structure


Card Field Selection



Diksha Form API's

Postman Collection


  • About Angular npm packages, how the npm packages in angular works and extend the Angular functionality by creating Angular libraries.Exposing a functionality to third party and so on... In these cases its best to create NPM library with just the functionality to be shared.

  • How the Form APIs offer essential functionalities for managing forms. Developers can create, update, and view form structures, field types, validations, and behaviors efficiently. These APIs empower developers to build dynamic form systems, customizing data collection and processing for various use cases within their applications.